Parchment is a typicall material in books and documents.
It can be the support of the written text, the wrapper of the book covers, a part of a binding…
Find below some projects involving parchment:
Find below the portfolio projects related to parchment:
Special collection from Institute of Lleida Studies
An inappropriate repair causes more damage than benefit Limp bindings are known particularly for their suppleness. If they can no loner open wide normally, strain pushes the parchment spine to tear apart, or either the thongs to break.
Conservation of renaisance astronomy book. A stiff board parchment binding with slotted spine
Conservation of rennaisance astronomy book. Conservation of stiff-board reverse parchment binding with slotted spine. Clavius was a reputated astronomer, contemporary to Galileo Galilei.
Lecture: ‘Conservation of reused bindings’ (Part two), Dubrovnik
Book conservation involves a tough decision making regarding usability and long term preservation handling. Sometimes we are dealing with fragmentology, or disjecta membra (fragments of written supports are re-used as part of a binding, with a diverse purpose from the first use) whereas in other cases the purpose is the same, and the whole binding is being recycled to bind a different book. Incunabula and manuscripts with laced-case and limp vellum bindings are studied.
Lecture: ‘Conservation of re-used bindings’ (part one), Zagreb
Book conservation involves a tough decision making regarding usability and long term preservation handling. Sometimes we are dealing with fragmentology, or disjecta membra (fragments of written supports are re-used as part of a binding, with a diverse purpose from the first use) whereas in other cases the purpose is the same, and the whole binding is being recycled to bind a different book. Incunabula and manuscripts with laced-case and limp vellum bindings with rolled sewing on parchment are studied.
Conservation of long-stitched limp binding with rolled sewing
That's the typical case of waste material (a former parchment manuscript) that was recycled for a new purpose (a binding).
Conservation of recycled limp vellum wallet binding
Conservation of a medieval manuscript on laid paper, bound on limp parchment. The binding is recicled, being a former wallet bindinig with a flap. The turnins of the covers have alum tawed leather tackets. Sewn on the binding.
Video about the profession of book and paper conservator
What does a paper conservator do? Whom does she work for? What skills and knowledge does she ought to have? Preservation and conservation, a field linked to science, history and arts and crafts. The video shows -among other- how we produce a hand-made suction table to restore paper artifacts, with loads of creativity, a feature most necessary to become book and paper conservator.
Conservation of a manuscript with one binding inside the other
It is not uncommon to find waste material as part of a binding (parchment manuscripts, for instance), but quite much rare when the previous and original binding is part of the boards layers of the current recycled binding! The outer and visible binding belonged first to a former book, and the hidden binding, to the current, one... crazy!
Conservation of medieval manuscripts on rag paper with rolled sewing
Conservation of two medieval manuscripts on rag paper and limp vellum binding. The sewing thread is made of rolled parchment, sewn with independent knots onto inner parchment stays. One of them onto outer leather tackets as well.
Conservation of incunabula with fragmentology evidence
Conservation of incunabula books from Public Library Carles Rahola. Some have disjecta membra and a few cases of palimpsest bindings as well.
Conservation and housing of parchment manuscripts with sewn repairs
Owner: Can Pedrals Library (Granollers, [...]
Conservation of choir book, an oversized manuscript on parchment
Choir book, an oversized manuscript on parchment. The bookbinding is full leather on wooden boards with brass edges, as well as clasps, also in brass. 1634, renaissance style.
Conservation of parchment mansucript with woven repairs
[translation pending] Beneficiari: Arxiu [...]
Conservation of limp laced-case vellum binding with boards
Owner: Private collection. Artefact: [...]
Conservation of parchment codex with wooden boards
Owner: Sant Martí Sarroca council [...]
Restauració dels quatre iaiets de Sants
Beneficiari: Ajuntament de Barcelona (Arxiu [...]
Stationery limp vellum binding with flap
Owner: Private collection. Artefact: Stationery limp [...]
Parchment mansucripts conservation from Mas Oliveres holding
[translation pending] Beneficiari: Arxiu Comarcal del [...]
Conservation of stationery parchment binding with severe mould losses
The book from the notary of Esparraguera (1827) was severely damaged by mould. To the extent to suffer remarkable losses on both folios and covers. The remaining folios were so weak that discouraged even a most careful handling.
Conservation of codex, a manuscript on parchment
Cantoral en pergamí manuscrit, cobertes de pell, fusta i bronze. Probablement és del s. XVI. La restauració va consistir en substituir les ànimes de fusta, consolidar la pell, netejar, restituir les peces perdudes (bollons, tanca...), revisar els afegits i mutilacions, tornar a relligar, consolidar els fulls... i un llarg etcètera.
Filter project by:
artwork on paper
maps, plans (architectural drawings)
board or paper artefacts
bindings conservation
fragmentology (membra disjecta)
recycled binding
limp-vellum binding
paperback books
sewn unsupported with drawn-on covers
stationery bindings
holdings (archive/library)
silver-gelatine paper photographs
book conservation
housing, mounting and framing paper artworks
introduction to paper conservation
Matching infills & retouching
photograph conservation
tailored conservation course
wet treatments
ball-point pen
charcoal, pastel
felt-tip pen
graphite, pencil